
For 2022 and beyond, we have bold plans to expand our curriculum, enroll more students and look to ensure that our graduates are not saddled with debt when the embark on their careers. To that end, we are looking to enhance our Spring funding raising efforts with a matching gift campaign to encourage individual donors and foundations to increase their giving levels to The Landing School. match.

To fund this matching gift campaign, we are asking you and your industry peers,  to  pledge your support to help us create a “pooled” matching gift challenge of $50,000 for our Spring fundraising event.  With the collective pledge support from all our friends and business partners, we will achieve our goal to create a meaningful matching gift campaign this year.

As we are launching this ask in advance of our formal Spring campaign, we can offer to let you make your contributions over four monthly payments for donations totaling $1,000 or more. We also will acknowledge your business in all our campaign materials and social media as a thank you for your support. Please complete the pledge form below and provide us with a high-resolution digital copy of your logo/name.

Thank you in advance for your support in securing and growing The Landing School to help us to train future leaders for the Marine Industry and beyond.Whether motivated by a desire to support a particular program or contribute to an initiative that holds special meaning, there are many good reasons to give to The Landing School.

Some wish to express their gratitude to the School for setting them on a path to professional success, others derive satisfaction from giving a helping hand to the next generation of marine industry leaders.

Your tax-deductible gift to The Landing School supports the school's mission to provide life changing skills for our students that will last them a lifetime.