The Landing School of Boatbuilding & Design offers a GAP Year Experience At its core, a gap year experience serves to enrich an individual’s personal, professional, and/or educational journey in life.

Gap years challenge the myth that a person’s trajectory in life must be linear, and that a “high school > college > career” plan is key to a person’s success.

Rather, the concept of a gap year is built on the belief that a life rich in learning, growth, and purpose will follow many twists and turns—often unexpected—that influence shifts in focus and direction.

With this in mind, a person might pursue an intentional gap year mid-college, between college graduation and grad school or career, mid-career, post-retirement, or any other stages in life. The keys to defining an experience as “gap time” are intentionality, growth, and reflection. 


Composite Boatbuilding-nationally accredited diploma program which begins in September and students graduate in May.

Marine Systems-nationally accredited diploma program which begins in September and students graduate in May.

Wooden Boatbuilding-nationally accredited diploma program which begins in September and students graduate in May.

Yacht Design-nationally accredited diploma program which begins in September and students graduate in May. Admissions requirements Official High School Transcript and College transcripts with proof of algebra & geometry sent to 2 Letters of Recommendation and admissions application.

Any questions please contact Admissions at 207-810-2286 or